Due Diligence Background Checks

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and vendor relationships are integral components of many businesses’ growth strategies. However, these activities can also pose significant risks and legal liabilities to organizations. One effective way to mitigate these risks is through due diligence background checks. In this article, we will discuss the value of due diligence background checks for M&A and vendor relationships and cite statistics that demonstrate their importance.

What is Due Diligence Background Check?

Due diligence background checks are comprehensive investigations into the financial, legal, and operational aspects of a company or vendor. These investigations help to identify any potential risks or liabilities associated with the merger or acquisition or vendor relationship. Due diligence background checks typically include reviewing financial statements, examining legal documents, and conducting interviews with key stakeholders.

The Importance of Due Diligence Background Checks

Conducting due diligence background checks is crucial for mitigating risks and legal liabilities in M&A and vendor relationships. Failure to do so can lead to significant financial losses, damage to reputation, and even legal penalties. According to a study by Ernst & Young, companies that conduct thorough due diligence background checks are more likely to achieve their financial goals and avoid costly surprises after the deal is closed.

Additionally, a report by PwC found that 63% of surveyed companies experienced reputational damage due to M&A-related risks. Due diligence background checks can help to identify potential reputational risks, such as criminal activity or unethical business practices, before they can damage a company’s reputation.

Furthermore, conducting due diligence background checks can help to reduce the legal liability associated with M&A and vendor relationships. A study by McKinsey & Company found that companies that conduct thorough due diligence background checks are less likely to face legal action related to the merger or acquisition. This is because due diligence background checks help to identify any potential legal liabilities before the deal is closed, allowing companies to take steps to mitigate those risks.

Statistics on the Effectiveness of Due Diligence Background Checks

There is a wealth of data that supports the value of due diligence background checks for M&A and vendor relationships. Here are a few key statistics:

– According to a study by Accenture, companies that conduct thorough due diligence background checks are 60% more likely to achieve their financial goals than those that do not.
– A report by PwC found that 79% of surveyed companies that conducted thorough due diligence background checks reported that they were able to identify significant risks or issues that they had not previously known about.
– A study by KPMG found that 57% of surveyed companies reported that they had avoided a deal due to concerns uncovered during the due diligence process.
– A report by Ernst & Young found that companies that conduct thorough due diligence background checks are more likely to achieve post-merger synergies than those that do not.


In conclusion, due diligence background checks are a critical component of any M&A or vendor relationship. Conducting these investigations can help to mitigate risks and legal liabilities, protect a company’s reputation, and ensure profitability. The statistics show that companies that conduct thorough due diligence background checks are more likely to achieve their financial goals, avoid costly surprises, and reduce the likelihood of legal action. By prioritizing due diligence background checks, companies can increase the likelihood of success in M&A and vendor relationships while minimizing risk and legal liability.